Well, I had my last post published six months ago and in the 2nd
last post I just claimed to be back with a promise of regular
updates. Poor me!! So this time no promises.
Actually, I was thinking of closing this blog down as I was too
busy writing for my other
which is based on my thinking of the norms of society or
something like that. But later I remembered the fact that this one
was the first blog I created and posted into & also the first one
to earn a 1000 hits. Then I took pity on it and the story or rather
the blog continues...
A blog on my daily life. Now I am not a celebrity that people
would be interested in my life nor do I have a very interesting life
that you all would love to read about. So why write about them and
waste the Internet space? I also have a lots of diaries to write
them. To be very honest, even I ran out of ideas of what to write
about. Forgive me for the realization coming so late.
As for now, I want to make a fresh start, a new go, another try.
However I won't delete my previous posts as they show us all my first
go at blogging and I am also too sentimental about them. Hope you all
like it this time and start following my blog rather than just
visiting it. Lets see how it goes.